Vineri, 26-Apr-2024, 07:07
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Radio Impact TV Bucuresti

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Let yourself be enchanted by picturesque villages and breathtaking landscapes in a far eastern fantasy world. But unfortunately a shadow has been cast over this land: The influence of the Metin Stones has brought about fear, turmoil and war. Raise your sword and take charge of your destiny.
Rating: 5.0/1
Contoare: 2595/1880
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I want to move in with my mother beusace I feel l need a stable loving household and I'm not getting it at my dad's house. I talked to my dad about it and he is totally against it and hates the idea. My therapist is coming over today and meeting with my dad and I and I don't know how I should handle the situation . Ways to convince my father Please I need your help.

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